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Apple Has Removed An App Which Was Designed to Detect iOS-based devices Hack Issue

A program being removed system and security information from app store by Apple as it was regarded as violating Apple’s guidelines. We are going to share more details for you. And if you want to get your apps rank in the app store, feel free to check app rank boosting service on our website.

Apple said the program could “provide incorrect diagnostic information or other inaccurate device data,” according to a copy of the message from Apple that he posted online. The company also cited a rule that bans apps that “contain false, fraudulent, or misleading representations or use names or icons similar to other apps.”System and Security Information tells iPhone owners what apps are running on their devices and when they’re close to running out of storage. It also is intended to detect possible hacks and malicious software that could leak private data to third parties.

Apple’s App Store has come under fire over the years for how it approves apps and being too general about the reasons it denies apps access to the company’s store. Despite attempts to improve transparency by making its developer guidelines and approval process clearer, the company still sometimes lets apps into its store, only to remove them later on. That appears to be what happened to System and Security Information.

Still, Apple does offer many security apps in its App Store from a wide range of companies, including McAfee and Lookout. The issue with System and Security Information seems to be that the app attempted to provide device diagnostics without Apple knowing for sure that the data provided was accurate.

We will keep updating more details about this for you. Feel free to focus on our website. And we also provide professional ios trending searches on our website, so here definitely will be a great choice for you to make your app discovered in the trending searches part.