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How to Avoid Personal Data Losing While Using Apps or Playing Mobile Game

There are many different kinds of mobile apps being released in app store like the popular Pokémon Go, which makes it much more important to know about how to protect personal data along with using these apps. We will share more details in this post, and if you want to make your app rank higher in the app store, feel free to check app rank boosting service on our website!

n the last few days, security bloggers noticed that the game, which is free to download and made by Niantic Inc. in partnership with the Pokémon Company and Nintendo, requested permission not only to use a player’s smartphone camera and location data but also to gain full access to the user’s Google accounts — including email, calendars, photos, stored documents and any other data associated with the login.

If you are unsure about the permissions you have already granted, check them on iOS by clicking on Settings and scrolling down for a list of apps that you can examine and change individually. On Android, click Settings and click Apps under the Device Settings, then choose an app and select Permissions.

Permissions are not the only things to worry about; you also need to know what kinds of data an app is collecting from your phone. Information about those is typically contained in an app’s privacy policies, which are often available within the settings of an app, or searchable online. If you cannot find the disclosures, or you are unable to understand their legalese, consider holding off until you learn more.

As for Pokémon Go, while the game may not be digging through emails, it is capable of tracking your location. And like those of many apps, its privacy policy allows it to give any data it has about you to law enforcement officials or private parties in response to legal requests or even to whatever it may deem an unethical or legally actionable activity. It can also share nonidentifying information about you with other companies for what it says are “research and analysis, demographic profiling, and other similar purposes.”

We will keep updating more related and further information about this for you. By the way, professional apps trending searches service also is available on our website. Check to get your app rank in the trending searches part!