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More Than 5 Million Apps Will House in The iOS App Store by 2020

According to Sensor Tower forecasts, the App Store will have more than 5 million apps by 2020. To leaem more details and related information, feel free to check in this post. And if you want to make your app rank in the app store, get professional app rank boosting service on our website!

App discovery continues to plague developers. The massive number of apps on the market makes it difficult for developers to cut through the noise and get their apps in front of consumers. Monthly app download rates are either stagnant, or really slow. The average number of apps being downloaded by users each month in the US is around 1.5, according to app marketing firm Tune. An earlier analysis by comScore suggested that the average was closer to 0. Users spend a majority of their time in a limited number of apps. In particular, social media apps like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram took the top spots across both iOS and Android for most-used apps, according to recent SurveyMonkey data.

Regardless, App Store growth will bolster the cost of app marketing as publishers strive to get their products seen and downloaded. The average cost per install for iOS apps reached $1.78 in February 2016, based on the most recent figures from Fiksu. That’s up 40% from $1.28 during the same period in 2015. Cutting through the noise of an overcrowded app market is critical for any app developer looking to build a viable user base. There are now well over 3 million apps available across the world’s five largest app stores. Delivering the right product to the right audience at the right time in this environment is imperative to the success of any app.

The challenge of marketing an app effectively has made app-install ads — an ad unit that directs users to download a mobile app — an essential tool for developers seeking to stand out in the Google Play and Apple app stores. This is why it's not surprising that more marketers are using paid channels to drive downloads than ever before. In fact, over 80% of respondents in a survey of the top 100 grossing mobile app developers noted they plan on increasing their spend on app-install ads in 2015.

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