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Highlight Timeline And Welcome Message Updated for Twitter iOS

Twitter attracted many users around us, we shared our thoughts with friends and other people. And what we would like to introduce for today is about the highlight timeline updated for Twitter ios. By the way, if you want to make your app get ranked in the app store, check professional app rank boosting service on our website!

Highlights is a sort of digest of interesting tweets that’s tailored to you based on certain factors such as conversations among people you follow, popular tweets from accounts in your network, and the latest news and hottest topics. When a new personalized summary of noteworthy tweets becomes available, you’ll receive a push notification saying that new Highlights are ready for you to see and indicating some of the featured accounts. You can then simply tap the notification to view the Highlights timeline. Algorithmic timelines tend to get a bad rap. But Highlights does provide a way to discover or catch up on interesting content on Twitter that you might otherwise not see at all.

Along with Highlights, Twitter has rolled out a couple of new features for direct messages between businesses and customers: welcome messages and quick replies.

As the name suggests, welcome messages let businesses greet customers who initiate direct message conversations by tapping on the Message button in business profiles. According to Twitter, “Businesses can create multiple welcome messages and deep link directly to a specific greeting from Tweets, websites, or apps.” A good example of a welcome message is one where the business thanks the customer for reaching out and then provides available options for engagement.

And speaking of options, those could be tied with quick replies, which let businesses prompt customers with ways to reply to direct messages. They could range from replies that ask questions about specific product details to instructions for entering certain types of text like tracking numbers.

Hope what we shared here will be useful for you to know better about twitter and have a better experience with it. What’s more, we also offer professional apps trending searches service to help apps get top ranking in the trending search part!