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Top App Store ASO Tactics To Make Your App Successful

To make your app rank highly and get more downloads in the App Store or Google Play Store, the best app store optimization service can help boost your app’s ranking overall. Here are some best app optimization practices to keep in mind before, during, and after the development of your app. 

Add keywords to your title
Puting your primary keywords in your app title will help make it more visible. Keep in mind, your title should also reflect the value of the app. Think about your user personas and how people will search for your app. Apps with relevant keywords in the title ranked 10.3 percent higher on average than apps without, according to a study conducted by TUNE of the top 25 ranking positions.

Create a unique app icon
In order to effectively convey the differences between your app and a competitor’s, you have to get the user to select it and learn more. What makes your app stand out in the listing? Do a quick audit to see the colors and graphics that competitor apps are using, because chances are theirs will also rank in similar search results. However, it’s obviously important to keep your app icon on brand with your color choice.

Update your app frequently
The app store ranking algorithm does factor in how updated your app is. Plus, your users deserve fresh content. With continuous updates to the operating systems, your app will most likely need to be updated at least as often as these releases to function properly. Top-performing apps are constantly evolving, whether the updates include brand new features or just a quick bug fix. These apps also tend to be more relevant and drive more positive reviews from users. Be sure to keep this ongoing expense in mind when you’re budgeting for your app.

Drive traffic with other app marketing tactics
Outside marketing efforts can help bolster app store rankings as well. The algorithm takes total page visits and the number of backlinks into account, so try to drive additional traffic to your app with landing pages or social media. Another popular app store optimization tactic, app indexing makes your app store content searchable on the web. It allows users to click from general search listings into the app store, from mobile and desktop devices.

A unique combination of these ASO tips can boost your App Store and Google Play rankings. If you are looking for a reliable and professional ASO company, then apprb will be your best choice. Top ios trending search service and ASO service are ready for you! Please feel free to contact us.